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- Is Bellaire Youth Initiative a nonprofit organization?
Yes, Bellaire Youth Initiative is a nonprofit, 501(c) (3) organization. Our tax ID is 27-3851696.
- Is Bellaire Youth Initiative a religious based organization?
No, Bellaire Youth Initiative is not affiliated with any church or faith. We are a secular organization.
- Where is your office and what is your phone number?
We do not have an office or business phone number. You can get in touch with us by calling our program director, program coordinator, Dee Lynch, 231-377-7077 or [email protected], or go to “Contact Us” on the home page and email a member of the Board of Directors.
- Do you have any paid staff?
Yes, we have Compensated Volunteers who function as Initiative Coordinators to plan and manage our after-school initiatives.
- Are you a religious based organization?
No, we are an independent, non-profit organization.
- How are you financed?
We get our funds from grants, and donations from local businesses, churches, and independent donors in the community.
- How do I become a volunteer?
See ‘contact us’ on the home page and contact Dee Lynch, 231-377-7077 or [email protected].
- How do I donate?
We welcome donations of money, time (volunteering) and physical items. Monetary donations are greatly appreciated and can be made by mailing a check to Bellaire Youth Initiative, PO Box 385, Bellaire, MI 49615. You can make a general donation, donate for a specific event, or designate a particular use. For questions, please contact Dee Lynch, at [email protected] or 231-377-7077.
- What is the most urgent financial need?
Our most urgent financial requirement is continued funding for materials, equipment, supplies, snacks, liability insurance and stipends for Initiative Coordinators.
- How do I enroll my child?
See ‘Forms’, and/or contact Dee Lynch, at 231-377-7077 or [email protected].