Grades 4-12. Initiative Coordinator is Ms. Leanna Colvin. Upcoming Classes Registration and Waiver BYI Lego Club 12.04.24Download
Grades 4-12. Initiative Coordinator is Ms. Leanna Colvin. Upcoming Classes Registration and Waiver BYI Lego Club 12.04.24Download
Grades 4 - 12 Location: To be announcedInitiative Coordinator/Instructor is Ms. Tammy Hickman.Instuctors are Mr. Terry Moore andPastor David Ramage.BYI has a guitar waiting for you! 6 Sessions Dates TBD(Maximum 9 students) Registration and Waiver
Grades 1-5 For students entering grades 1-5 for 2024-25 school year. Summer Sessions: 12:30 - 2pm • TuesdaysJune 18, 25; July 9, 16, 23, 30John Rogers Elementary SchoolMs. Eva Crawford is the Initiative Coordinator.Catherine Crawford Assistant Coordinator. Registration forms are available in the school office or Online Questions? Call Eva Crawford at 763-218-0528 Registration and Waiver